10 Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers (Debate Points)

Are you searching for solid debate points on the topic “Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers”, this article will suit your interest as we have discussed many importance of fathers in the life of children and other vital things related to fathers’ importance over mothers.

Note: These points offered in this article are solidly for debate purposes, and not to be used to compare the love of dad over mum in a child’s life. So be sure to use those points wisely in defeating your opponents when competing in debates alone.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

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Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

Always remember that both father and mother are important in a family and no one is more than the other. However, the reasons listed below are points for debate competitions and nothing more.

1. Fathers Offer Financial Support 

Yes, one of the basic aspects of why a dad is better than a mum is the aspect of financial support as most fathers are known to be the majority in offering finance, especially school fees, feeding fees, paying water bills and others.

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So the aspect of financial support or can be called providing money, makes fathers better than mothers in families.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

2. Fathers are Role Models to Children 

In most families where there is a male child or male children, a father serves as their role model, as he teaches them the basic male values, ethics and how to live life, which makes them more important in families.

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3. Stronger Love Bonds

It’s naturally seen in most families that the fathers have stronger Love Bonds with the children, that’s why it’s very easy to seek kids playing around their dad, holding him down and climbing all over the body, all these happen because of the strong bonds between fathers and children, which makes the father be better than the mother.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

4. Fathers Offer Emotional Support 

Yes, you will believe me that most fathers are always available to help and support their children emotionally, which gives them greater importance in the lives of kids as well.

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5. Fathers are Children’s Playmates

Every child that wants to play, enjoys playing more with the dad, be it a male child or female child, you will see them happier and jumping around their dad, it’s a natural bond that joins them together, which gives every dad greater importance over the mum.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

6. Greater Discipline / Guidance 

Another reason why fathers are better than mothers is because they teach discipline to their children, showing them some helpful paths to survive in life.

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7. Fathers Support Mothers

Both financially and otherwise, the fathers offer greater help to the mothers because they are partners, and such great support from fathers to mothers, makes them more valuable and of greater importance in families.

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8. Fathers Always Involve in Childcare 

Yes, the involvement of fathers in the training and proper growth of their children has also made them important in every family because a woman or mother alone can completely train a child much better.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

9. The Pure / Natural Father’s Love

There is something I call a father’s love to a child that is so unique and creates a strong bond with the children which makes all kids mostly have fun with their dad, move around with their dads and also relate some personal matters with them as well.

10. Good Influence on Sons and Daughters 

All fathers do have a good influence on their sons and daughters, which makes them more valuable and irreplaceable in most homes.

Reasons Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

What Are The Importance of Fathers?

Fathers are vital in a family and to kids, but can’t say that they are better or more important than mothers, below are a few more important fathers in families and in the lives of kids.

1. One of the major importance of fathers is that they majorly offer emotional support to their kids as they offer a good source of comfort and stability through regular expression of their love to kids.

2. Teaching good responsibilities and important life skills is another good importance of fathers to children and families.

3. Father provides financial support to children and family, which is another vital and core importance of them.

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4. Fathers are important as they protect (secure) their loved ones in every aspect and also offer some vital teachings.

5. Another great importance of fathers is their provision of finance, shelter and food to help keep their family growing.

Why Fathers Are Better Than Mothers

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Responsibilities of a Father?

Some of the basic responsibilities and duties of a father include financial support, protection, setting discipline, educating the male children on their responsibilities, and others.

What are the Roles of a Father in the Bible?

According to the Bible, fathers are known to portray them as the Head of the House (family), which requires them to take a bigger role in protecting their home, providing for and also teaching the children about God.

How Does a Father’s Absence Affect a Child?

The absence of a dad (father) negatively affects every child’s development, as the child won’t enjoy that father’s love (bond), which can always lead to depression whenever that child misses his or her dad.

What Makes the Best Dad?

Offering emotional and financial support to the family is one of the basic steps to becoming the best dad, as your kids will be so happy and proud of you anywhere they go and among their fellow kids.

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Both Father and Mother are important in a family and play various roles in growing a family and perfecting a child’s life, so no one is better than the other when it comes to reality.

However, for the purpose of debate competitions, one uses the above points to win over one’s opponents, as we have offered deep importance above fathers.

You can also feel free to tell us more about your dad and why you appreciate him so much by using the comment section below, so others can see more importance of fathers in a home.

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