5 Reasons Why Farmers Are Better Than Traders (Debate Points)

Are you supporting the motion that says,Farmers Are Better Than Traders”, and you want some good debate points to counter your opponents with, then you are welcome to enjoy this article, as we have a few good reasons why farmers are more important than traders.

Both the farmers and traders are needed for improvement in society, as they help the proper growth of the economy in various ways, but for the purpose of education and school debate competitions, I will be offering some vital importance of farmers, which could be used in defence of farmers being better than traders.

Farmers Are Better Than Traders

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Difference Between Farmers and Traders

Farmers are people who produce foods for human consumption, while traders are those who deal in exchange for goods and services for income purposes.

In a simpler way, farmers provide and traders trade some of those things produced by farmers in exchange for other valuable items. 

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Why Farmers Are Better Than Traders 

Below are some debate points on why farmers are more important than traders, including some advantages of having more farmers in a community.

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1. Farmers are the Real Producers 

Farmers Are Better Than Traders

Yes, one of the basic reasons why farmers are better than traders is because farmers are the real producers of what traders sell, so without the production of farmers, there will be nothing for traders to sell in various exchange zones (Markets).

Let me call your attention to how trading started. In the old, most Africans, are known to farm and produce what they eat. However, as time goes on, there are people who produce more in a specific food like having a family producing more yams in a season, and another rice or beans.  

Then, the idea of exchanging among others what we have to get what they have, so we can have other varieties of food came in. So a family with so many yams will take some out to the community square, to exchange with another that has rice, yam, corn or any other farm produce.

Farmers Are Better Than Traders

So, with such exchange, other families could have various foods to consume apart from the ones they got from their farm, which brought about exchange, then modernization brought out money usage to trade before we got traders who traded other items as well. 

So in other words, farmers are in existence and of importance before traders, which is to also say that farmers can do without traders, but traders can’t do without farmers.

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2. Farmers Produce Food Traders Consume

Another importance of farmers over traders is that farmers produce the food traders consume, so if there are no farmers, then there will be no existence of traders as well. 

This in another way could be seen as farmers keeping traders alive and healthy, through their hard work and what they produce because without the food from farmers, how will traders survive?

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3. Farmers Gain More Income Than Traders

Farmers Are Better Than Traders

Farmers are better than traders because they gain more income than traders, as they are the first producers of that which traders trade. For example, when a farmer harvests yam from his farm, he keeps enough for himself and his family and then decides the quantity to sell to a trader, then the trader buys and either converts it to something else before selling it to another person or sells the same product to others in order to gain income.

When a trader sells, he sells to recover the money spent to purchase, and to get little gain as well, but a farmer just brings out from the farmer, no money involved, and sells directly and makes money and also keeps for his own consumption, so the farmer makes more gain than the trader.

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4. Farmers Add More Value to the Society 

Yes, farmers are more important than traders because they add more value to society in food security, boosting the economy and also ensuring that trading or exchange of goods and services are done through what they produce.

A farmer’s product is what is being majorly exchanged in the market, and it also helps the economy and offers jobs to traders because without those products traders are jobless.

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5. Farming Reduces the Level of Unemployment 

Farmers Are Better Than Traders

Farmers are better than traders in job securing, as you don’t need anything special or much money to start up, just have a piece of land, and the skill to farm, and you will do great in earning a good living for yourself and your family.

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However, a trader needs money, skills and also how to invest that money in purchases and selling spots in the market, to get those goods advertised to buyers. In most cases, a trader needs good communication skills to also interact and convince buyers to buy their products, but for farmers, such stress is not needed, which makes farmers better than traders.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Farmers Are Better Than Traders 

What are the Benefits Of Farming To The Environment?

Farming has helped the environment in multiple ways, starting from preserving the economy, and keeping the environment clean and healthy when cleared for cultivation. 

Furthermore, agricultural activities have helped protect/care for livestock, helping improve soil health and water quality as well.

What are the Benefits of Agriculture?

Numerous benefits of agriculture include food security, provision of raw materials and resources, growth of the economy, job provision, and animal husbandry.

What are the Advantages to Farmers?

The major advantages of farmers are the provision of food, good income generated from their farm products, and also the fact that society can’t do without farmers.

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Farmers produce foods, secure foods, eliminate hunger in society, and care for livestock, which is among the great importance of the farming profession, which is why farmers are better than traders. 

So with the above few points, you can be convinced that farmers play major roles in society and in the life of humans than traders, and the farming profession comes with more benefits than the trading profession.

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