Why Boarding School is Better Than Day School (5 Debate Points)

Students seeking solid debate points on why boarding school is better than day school should carefully read this article as we offer more light and solid points that will help counter your opponents.

We all know that boarding schools and day schools are different types of educational institutions, with various experiences for children. Boarding Schools are where students get accommodated with good facilities for sleeping, bathing and others, which helps build a young child’s self-independence level.

Boarding School is Better Than Day School

Most parents don’t feel okay with the concept or idea of boarding schools, as they get scared of leaving their young kids under the care of other people and teachers for weeks or months, until holidays or during certain mid-term breaks or parents visiting days.

To me, going to a boarding institution comes with numerous experiences and benefits, which will be broken down in this article for your satisfaction. It’s also cool to always see your kids come back home every day from school and share their daily experiences with you but still doesn’t mean that boarding institutions aren’t perfect for your kids.

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What is a Boarding School?

A boarding School is an institution built with good accommodations for students, which means students, board,/stay there, under the supervision of teachers/staff, without going home on a daily basis.

Boarding Schools provide good housing, feeding (food) and proper care to students, as they won’t be going home until their holidays or mid-term breaks.

What is a Day School?

Day School, also known as day high school, is an institution that offers daycare and learning to students, and allows them to return home after the end of each day of learning or activities.

This simply means that in day school, kids go to classes during the day, and go back home after learning, as there is no housing or accommodations like boarding schools.

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Reasons Why Boarding School is Better Than Day School

Boarding School is far better than day school because it helps in building a child’s self-independence level, offers great discipline and every kid enjoys a quality learning time frame. 

However, below are further breakdowns of why you should consider boarding schools over day schools.

1. Boarding School Builds a Child’s Sense of Independence 

Yes, building a child’s good sense of independent living is one of the solid points why opting for boarding school is better than day schooling.

When a child is enrolled on a boarding institution, that child gradually starts developing to care for himself or herself, knowing fully well that mum/dad are not there to do certain things for him or her.

A child in boarding school takes care of himself by clothing, feeding, washing and managing school uniforms and solves some personal problems without getting parents involved, which will help prepare the child for future education/living alone.

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2. Boarding Institutions Help Kids Focus More on Studies

Boarding School is Better Than Day School

Once a child is enrolled into a boarding school, he is more focused on education because that’s what brought the child there, and there are fewer distractions like television or phones.

A child who goes to school and comes back every day (day school), might enjoy watching movies, and sleeping anytime he or she likes because they are at home, but a child in boarding school has no movie time or unnecessary sleeping periods.

3. Boarding School Offers Sense of Responsibility and Stability 

Why Boarding School is Better Than Day School

Every child who leaves their parent to a boarding academy will know that every self or personal responsibility should be carried out by himself, and this will help the child to establish his stability and adaptiveness.

Boarding School forces more maturity into kids, as they will see their fellow kids owning up to responsibilities, and they will as well want to do the same, and with time they own up to caring for themselves and knowing there is no mum or dad to do such.

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4. Boarding School Builds a Child’s Social Life

In boarding schools, kids mingle with other kids from different backgrounds and tribes, which helps build the friendship level and socialism of that child. A child who doesn’t want to mingle with people will surely do that in a boarding school environment, as that child is sure to meet someone of the same interest, whose energy matches, and will grow friendships.

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5. Boarding Schools offers Extracurricular Activities/Opportunities 

The Advantages of Boarding School

Yes, enrolling your child on a good boarding institution will help the child discover some opportunities or careers he can venture into through some skill development activities offered in most boarding schools.

Boarding Schools offer extracurricular activities like different sports activities and other skills like bead making, craft works and so many others.

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The Advantages of Boarding School

Every child who is enrolled on a good building academy will enjoy the below benefits.

1. Self-Confidence: Surely boarding school builds a child’s confidence and helps the children believe in themselves.

2. Self-Independence: Yes, boarding institutions help children to take care of themselves and not depend on their parents all the time.

3. Good Discipline: 90% of boarding schools in the world offer good moral conduct and discipline to students, so their school name can be found among the best.

4. Social Confidence: The ability of a child to confidently talk freely among mates and people is another benefit of boarding schools.

5. Academy Excellence: Because of the quality time to study given in most boarding schools, a child tends to do well and learn well in a less distracting school environment.

6. Good/Quality Relationships with Age Mates: Lastly a good relationship between a child and his mates is another benefit of boarding schools.

The Advantages of Boarding School

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The Disadvantages of Boarding Schools

Everything that has advantages also has a few or more disadvantages that shouldn’t be ignored, and below are a few for boarding academies.

1. High Cost of Fees: Yes, the majority of boarding institutions are more expensive than daycare because it costs so much to care for, feed and secure children. So ensuring your child is regularly fed, to good accommodations, makes boarding school fees to be more expensive unless it’s a federal school (government school).

2. High Illness Rate: Because such institutions are for kids, there are higher chances of a child falling sick more often because once a child gets ill, it can easily pass to other kids as their immune systems are too weak to fight certain ill health.

3. Blending/Adjusting: It is mostly very difficult for kids to blend in or adjust to their new environment and as well accept the fact they won’t be seeing their parents for so long, and this can affect some love bonds between kids and their parents.

4. Higher Rate of Bullying: There are higher rates of bullies in such institutions, and most kids suffer bullying a lot in boarding schools, which can mentally affect them and their performances.

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5. Limited to Extracurricular Activities: Kids explore only the extracurricular events or activities offered by the school, so if there is anything the child doesn’t like, he or she might just have to endure.

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What to Consider Before Sending Your Child to a Boarding School 

Before sending or deciding to send your beloved kid far from home to study, consider the following things.

1. Your Finance: Can your finances cater for your child’s years of study in that school, so you won’t end up not paying for the child in the long run, which will warrant sending that kid home, and in most cases you won’t be able to endure the embarrassment in such.

2. About the School: Another to know is more details about the institution, which includes their fees, how good their environment is, accommodations and security. You can get some of this information online or visit the school in person and walk around to see for yourself.

3. Your Child’s Interest: Most times it’s good to know if your child accepts the idea, watch the reaction of the child when you suggest such, as some kids will not love the idea and might go there and will not do well because they are not happy.

4. Location of School: It’s also good to know the location/distance of the school to home if it’s okay with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Boarding Schools

1. Why is it Called Boarding School?

It is called boarding school because the word boarding” according to research, is used in the sense of “room and board“, also known as lodging and meals. 

2. What are the Types of Boarding

We have 4 (four) types of boarding, namely: 

  • Full Boarding
  • Weekly Boarding
  • Flexi Boarding and 
  • Occasional Boarding

3. Should Children Go to Boarding School?

Yes, kids who accept the idea of leaving home to study should be allowed as there are numerous benefits that come from going to boarding schools.

4. What Age is Best for Boarding School?

Any child around 8 years old and above, is okay and perfect for boarding school, considering physical and mental stability.

5. What is the Difference Between Boarding School and Day School?

The difference is simple and clear, in boarding school, the child is accommodated, cared for and fed by staff and school chefs. 

While at day school, the child only goes to school in the morning and goes back home during the day.


Boarding Schools are far better than day schools as they offer good discipline to kids, care for kids, and help build a child’s social confidence, and independence level. So every parent should not be scared of sending their kids to boarding schools. Don’t forget to visit us (AfricaSchoolInfo) for more education updates.

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